Characterization of electrical transport of LSMO in ferro-metallic state

Approximations (presented by other authors) of temperature dependence of resistance (R(T)) for perovskite manganites described the experimental dependences only for temperatures below 150-300 K. The suggested new equation R(T) = R0+R1T2+R2(T-T0)4,5 connects three basic transport mechanisms known for manganites (in this case La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO)). The equation well describes the experimental data in ferroagnetic-metalic state up to a temperature of 350 K. It is significantly higher value than that in previous approximations. We introduce the term of T0 which indicates the activation temperature of ferromagnetic term ~T4.5, so we are able to describe the abrupt increase of resistance at temperatures around 350 K. The main meaning of this equation rests in the possibility to recognize (and then further to optimize) all three parts of the resistance at temperatures above 300 K, where the bolometric applications of LSMO thin films are expected.

Approximation (full line) of experimental (points) temperature dependence of LSMO thin film resistance in temperature interval 4-350 K.


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Štrbík, V., Reiffers, M., Chromik, Š., and Španková, M.Approximation of electrical and magneto transport properties of LSMO thin films. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 210-211.