

SCARLET – Supravodivé káble podporujúce prechod na udržateľnú energetiku
Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.9.2022 – 28.2.2027
Filamentované pásky z vysokoteplotného supravodiča pre použitie vo fúzii
Filamentized high temperature superconductor tapes for fusion
Program: EUREKA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.10.2021 – 31.5.2024
EUROfusion – Uskutočňovanie aktivít popísaných v Ceste k fúzii počas Horizon2020 cestou spoločného programu členov konzorcia EUROfusion
Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium
Program: Horizon 2020
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2022
FASTGRID – Nákladovo efektívne obmedzovače skratových prúdov využívajúce pokročilé supravodivé pásky pre budúce vysokonapäťové jednosmerne rozvodné siete
Cost effective FCL using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids
Program: Horizon 2020
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: Sustainability of energy systems goes through high penetration of renewable energy with huge volumes of electricity to transmit over long distances. The most advanced solution is the HVDC Supergrid. But fault currents remain an issue even if DC circuit breakers have emerged. These are not satisfying, whereas Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SCFCLs) using REBCO tapes bring an attractive solution. SCFCLs have already proved their outstanding performances in MVAC systems, with a few commercial devices in service. However, present REBCO conductors cannot be readily used at very high voltages: the electrical field under current limitation is too low and leads to too long tapes and high cost. FASTGRID aims to improve and modify the REBCO conductor, in particular its shunt, in order to significantly enhance (2 to 3 times) the electric field and so the economical SCFCL attractiveness. A commercial tape will be upgraded to reach a higher critical current and enhanced homogeneity as compared to today’s standards. For safer and better operation, the tape’s normal zone propagation velocity will be increased by at least a factor of 10 using the patented current flow diverter concept. The shunt surface will also be functionalized to boost the thermal exchanges with coolant. This advanced conductor will be used in a smart DC SCFCL module (1 kA, 50 kV). This one will include new functionalities and will be designed as sub-element of a real VDC device. In parallel to this main line of work, developments will be carried out on a promising breakthrough path: ultra high electric field tapes based on sapphire substrates. FASTGRID will bring this to the next levels of technology readiness. In conclusion, FASTGRID project aims at improving significantly existing REBCO conductor architecture to make SCFCLs economically attractive for HVDC Supergrids. However, availability of such an advanced conductor will have an impact on virtually all other applications of HTS tapes.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 30.11.2020
EUROTAPES – Vývoj supravodivých pások v Európe: Nové materiály a architektúry pre zníženie nákladov silnoprúdových aplikácií a magnetov
European development of superconducting tapes: Integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets
Program: FP7
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.9.2012 – 31.1.2018
Hybridné zariadenia na uskladňovanie energie v mobilných a stacionárnych aplikáciách
Hybrid energy storage devices and systems for mobile and stationary applications
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 2.5.2011 – 1.5.2015
Slovenské aktivity vo výskume fúzie
Slovak Fusion RTD Activities
Program: Multilateral – other
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2014
ECCOFLOW – Vývoj a prevádzkové skúšky účinného obmedzovača skratových prúdov na báze pásky s YBCO pokrytím vhodného pre použitie v elektrických sieťach
Development and field testing of an efficient YBCO coated conductor based fault current limiter for operation in electricity networks
Program: FP7
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2013
Vývoj a kvalifikácia VTS vodičov pre fúzne magnety
Development qualification of HTSC conductors for fusion magnets
Program: FP7
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2012
NESPA – Nanotechnologicky upravené supravodiče pre aplikácie v silnoprúdovej elektrotechnike
Nano-Engineering Superconductors for Applications – European Network
Program: FP6
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: The project will focus on the most promising superconducting materials, preparation techniques, applications and cryogenic developments for the envisaged power application systems. Therefore, the materials research topics will be restricted to RE123 coated conductors, RE123 bulk material and MgB2 wires and tapes. There, improving the critical current density as the central figure of merit of superconducting materials for power applications requires the controlled incorporation of a high density of nano-scale defects into an undisturbed crystalline matrix. The electrical engineering issues under consideration will concentrate on reducing ac-losses in superconducting wires and tapes by innovative conductor designs with micrometer scaled structures in the superconductor, which can only be realized by means of material processing in the nanometer scale. The industrial aspects are focused on scale-up the material preparation and the realization of superconducting cables, motors, magnets and the cryogenics involved.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.10.2006 – 30.9.2010
SUPER3C – Kábel z páskového vodiča so supravodivým pokrytím
Superconducting coated conductor cable
Program: FP6
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: The Super3C project therefore aims at establishing the feasibility of a low-loss HTS energy cable using CC tapes. It comprises the development, manufacturing and testing of a functional model consisting of a one-phase, 30-meter long, 10kV, 1 kA cable with its terminations. It is expected to be the first HTS cable in the world using only CC tapes as currnet carrying elements.
Duration: 1.6.2004 – 31.5.2008
ACLMHTS – Meranie striedavých strát na vysokoteplotných supravodičoch
AC loses measurements on high temperature superconductors (EFDA)
Program: FP6
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007
SCENET – 2 – Európska sieť pre supravodivosť
The European network for superconductivity
Program: FP5
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.4.2002 – 31.3.2006
Applied Superconductivity Training and Research Advanced Centre
Program: FP5
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2003 – 31.12.2005
Q-Secrets – –
Quality monitoring of superconductors for the production of efficient compact and reliable energy transmission systems
Program: FP5
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2000 – 1.10.2003


TREND – Optimalizácia okrúhleho kábla z vysokoteplotného supravodiča pre pulzné magnetické polia
Optimization of round high-temperature supercnoducting cable for pulse magnetic field
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on an optimization of a cable made of high temperature superconducting tapes wound on acore in form of a tube with the possibility of cooling the cable by the coolant flowing through the former. Thepurpose of the optimization is a significant decrease of AC losses, which can be achieved through threemodifications of the cable. The first one is to reduce the width of the 4 mm superconducting tape down to 1 mmwith steps smaller than 0.2 mm. The tuning of the tape width should allow to prepare the cables with optimalpacking of the cable layers and with greater flexibility. The second modification is an additional narrowing of thesuperconductor width by striation scribing the superconducting layer along the tape with already optimized width.Both processes require a development of a suitable method for the cutting and scribing process of thesuperconducting tapes with minimal impact on their mechanical, structural and electrical properties. The thirdmodification is the innovation of the central former, which should fulfill requirement of significantly reduced electricalconductivity. Modified superconducting tapes and cables prepared from them will be characterized in terms ofmechanical and electromagnetic properties. Most of the experiments will be supported by computer modeling.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025
Tepelná stabilizácia vysokoteplotných supravodivých pások pre použitie v obmedzovačoch skratových prúdov
Thermal stabilization of high-temperature superconducting tapes for fault current limiters
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: Additional thermal stabilization is necessary for commercially available high-temperature superconducting tapes,in order to use the tapes in devices for fault current limiting in high-voltage grids. The proposed project is aimed atfabrication of thermally stabilizing composite coating (epoxy resin with ceramic filler), which will act as a sink andabsorber of the heat produced in a limiting event. Various materials for thermal stabilization will be tested, withregard to their thermal, physical, and mechanical properties, and their resistance against thermal shocks.Possibilities for improvement of mechanical properties will be investigated by additional reinforcement of thethermal stabilization. The effectivity of the thermal stabilization will be determined for superconducting tapes fromvarious producers, by experimental limiting of fault current. Experiments will be complemented with numericalmodelling.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Nízkostratový supravodivý kábel typu CORC z REBCO vodičov
Low-loss superconducting CORC-like cable from REBCO conductors
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD
Annotation: Aim of the project is to elaborate the design of a superconducting CORC-like cable with considerably reduced AClosses. Project is focused on identification of the key parameters of the cable design, on the construction of modelcables and their experimental characterisation. The research will follow two basic directions: optimisation ofgeometrical layout of the individual REBCO tapes in the cable and investigation of possible utilisation of lowconductivity materials for the central core of the cable. Geometrical optimisation of the cable will be based onresults of numerical simulations employing the Finite Element Method and the Minimum Electro-Magnetic EntropyProduction method. In the experimental part, sets of short model cables will be manufactured for tests of differentgeometrical configurations and different materials for the central core. Investigated will be the total AC losses,basic transport parameters and degradation of superconducting tapes due to mechanical loading in the cablingprocess.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
Vysokoteplotná supravodivá cievka pre motory elektrických a hybridných lietadiel
High temperature superconducting coils in motors for electric and hybrid aircrafts
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Pardo Enric, PhD.
Annotation: Full superconducting electric motors are very promising to provide therequired power density to enablecommercial hybrid and electric airplanes. These can reduce emissions by75 % in CO2 and 90 % in NOx, followingthe ACARE Flightpath 2050 targets of the European Union. Superconductingmotors can also be applied to cleanersea or sweet water transport. In spite of the extensive research in thearea, the electro-magnetic and electro-thermal properties of superconducting coils in the motor magneticenvironment remain largely unknown, partiallybecause of the lack of measurements of the relevant temperatures(between 20-40 K) and modeling methods forfull superconducting motors.The aim of this project is to gain this understanding and develop numerical modeling methods to enable the design of future superconducting motors. These methods will be compared to experiments in the relevant temperature range for motor applications.
Duration: 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2023
MAPKO – Magnetické plášte z kompozitov supravodič/feromagnetikum
Magnetic cloaks from superconductor/ferromagnet composites
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: Realization of a magnetic cloak allowing to hide objects from being observed by a magnetic detector enables the experimental study of several fundamental problems of electromagnetism as well as the searching for innovative solutions of practical problems of magnetic field shielding and shaping. Main aim of the project is the development of methods for design and realization of magnetic cloaks that would provide the possibility to investigate these topics. Basic property we will pursue is the magnetic invisibility when a detector placed outside the cloak will not notice the cloak itself nor a “magnetic cargo” it would contain. Theoretical predictions for reaching perfect invisibility assume unrealistic properties of the used materials and work with ideal and simple shapes without any limitation of dimensions. That is why an important part of the project will be the search and testing of new numerical modelling methods able to include these substantial aspects of real objects. With help of these novel methods we plan to demonstrate the 99% perfection in magnetic invisibility at frequencies from DC to 1000 Hz. Our research could help to reach the following goals: a) Creation of space for experiments in biology shielding the Earth magnetic field as well as that produced in urban environment. Room temperature cylindrical space with at least 50 mm diameter and 150 mm height should allow easy sample exchange and manipulation. b) Design and manufacturing of the cloak for magnetic fields in the 0.1 T range with the volume exceeding 1000 cm3 for the purpose of protecting a sensitive electronic circuitry or e.g. formation of working space for DC arc welding in vicinity of electrical machines generating the stray field at this level. c) Investigation of force exerted on the cloak by a non-uniform magnetic field, in particular the possibility of a magnetic propulsion with help of controlling the magnetic moment of the superconductor/ferromagnet composite.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 28.2.2021
Návrh a príprava spojov vysokoteplotných supravodivých pások bezolovnatými spájkami a charakterizácia ich vlastností
Design and preparation of high-temperature superconducting tapes joints using lead-free solders and characterization of their properties
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Annotation: This project of fundamental research is aimed to design and preparation of functional joints made ofhigh-temperature superconducting tapes using lead-free solders based on tin or other low-melting elements. Aconventional and induction soldering will be used for preparation of the joints and suitable parameters of joiningprocess should be found by optimization methods. Development of microstructure, electrical and mechanicalproperties will be studied in prepared joints. Achieved results will be published in CC journals and presented onworld-level scientific conferences.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
Tvarovanie magnetického poľa pomocou kombinácie supravodivých a feromagnetických materiálov
Magnetic field shaping by a combunation of superconducting and ferromagentic materials
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 30.4.2017
Vplyv nehomogenít na úžitkové vlastnosti pások na báze vysokoteplotných supravodivých materiálov
Effects of inhomogeneities on functional properties of high-temperature superconducting wires
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2014
Pinning v nových typoch supravodivých vodičov
Pinning in the new types of superconducting wires
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.11.2006 – 31.12.2011
NESPA – Nanotechnologicky upravené supravodiče pre aplikácie v silnoprúdovej elektrotechnike
Nano-Engineering Superconductors for Applications
Program: Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 10.3.2009 – 31.12.2009
Vývoj nových supravodivých káblov pre DEMO
Development of new superconducting cables for DEMO
Program: Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009
Supravodivé vodiče v podmienkach silnoprúdových elektrotechnických zariadení
Superconducting wires in the conditions of power
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2006 – 1.4.2009
CENG – Centrum elektronických a elektrotechnických súčiastok novej generácie
Centre of electronic and electrotechnique advanced devices
Program: Centrá excelentnosti SAV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2008
Elektromagnetické vlastnosti supravodivých kompozitných vodičov
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor, DrSc.
Duration: 1.8.2002 – 31.7.2005